Sunday, August 5, 2012

Another possible change in health?

So, I have been slowly inspired to do better and better with my health.

I've been working on p90x2 for over a month, and have been slowly changing. It's been quite the journey. After week 3, I was struggling to motivate myself. The only thing that kept me going was the fact I knew I would slow back down and lose all my progress. So I pushed myself further. It was difficult.

Then I decided to watch the olympics this year. Like really watch it. And I watched the sport I so identified with in my past: swimming. I've always missed it, since I stopped. Of course, I've had no time. But I miss it a lot.
And so, while I was watching it, I asked myself: why in the world did I stop?

And I had no answer. I had time to work on my p90x2 program, because I made time. Why did I not make time for the one sport?

A lot of people find it boring, swimming back and forth. I actually find it soothing. I missed the time I had to myself, thinking in the water, focusing only on breathing and pattern.

I miss it a lot more than I let myself on.

So, I've decided to make one more change: to get back into the pool again, 5 days a week. In the morning before I teach/go to school. I'm really excited about it. I refuse to let myself burn out. Because this is one thing I did and do love.

My goals are to only catch up to where I was in practices. It will take a lot of time. But it's going to happen.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Update on the Heart of Health!

For those of you who thought I died out with this plan, I haven't! :D

I am merely freakishly busy, and I keep forgetting to update this blog!

So, it has been 3 weeks of starting p90x2, and working my tail off on losing weight.

I already feel much more energetic, and ready for anything. In three weeks, I went from barely trudging along in the workouts, to finishing strong. I went from feeling nearly useless to useful. I still chuckle at Tony Horton's (the "leader") jokes.

I am currently in phase one, and I've already seen a physical difference. I have lost 2 inches around my hips, but gained 3 inches around my thighs. That shocked me quite a bit, but it displayed how much muscle I was building. My pants already fit better, and my legs look better in jeans. My upper body, however, stayed the same, but my abs are much more defined. It's very exciting to see results. I've gained 1/2 inches around my neck and upper arms. I weigh the same, but the thing with that is that I've been losing obvious fat, so the muscle is beginning to overpower the fat.

By August 12th, I should be in phase 2. By then, I want to have lost 6lbs, lose 1 1/2 inches around my waist, bust, and hips. I'm not quite as picky about my limbs. Mostly because they're so muscly. They've always been like that. I don't really mind the muscle. Phase 3 should start sometime in the middle of September, and hopefully, I will be down 15lbs, and lost 3-4 inches in all places (again, excluding my limbs). Remember, my overall goal is to be down 30lbs. I'm just setting realistic goals.

I really want to be healthy. I want to look it. I'm just excited it's starting to show.

On August 12th, I will be posting original pictures and updated pictures, so I can display my progress.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Heart of Health . . . See What I Did There?

Ahh, working out.
Seems like a good idea, huh? Heart and muscles are healthy, you live longer, the works.

Well, this blog is about my health, habits and hobbies. And today, I am updating about health, and will continue to update frequently, twice a week, for the next few months.

I am undergoing a project, and it is to be fit. College, working, and practicing (music) have taken a lot of time off of my workouts. In high school, I was an athlete. I practiced two-four hours a day, was on two different teams, did dry workouts on my own (I was a swimmer), and even did swim lessons (in which themselves were a workout). I burned up to 2500 calories every day, ate about 5000 a day, and was a consistent 135lbs, and a size 3-5 in jeans. My blood pressure stood at a good 105/65 with a pulse of 66 of resting. I wasn't thin, I was ripped. My "girl" figure was diminished greatly (mainly my bust and hips) for my athletic body. But I didn't care. I felt good, looked good, and that was all that mattered.

Then college happened. And the freshman fifteen hit. And the sophomore ten. And the junior five. So, I gained about thirty pounds. It didn't stop there, as I gained another 10. So now, I am burning 100-200 calories a day, eat about 2500, am 175lbs, and a size 11-13 in jeans. My blood pressure is 139/89 (almost at hypertension I) with pulse of 84 resting and I've had doctors give me the worried look. Let's just say, I've put on a few. Luckily, my figure has filled out some. So I have hips and a bust, and that's not from weight. So, all in all, I look like I weigh 155lbs. But that is still too much. I feel tired all the time, I feel sick when I eat. I don't feel confident. I shy away from shopping. I shy away from going to pools and beaches. My racing suit from the old days wont fit up my hips. Nor do my legs fit into my old pants.

Then I realized, it was time for a real change. Quite frankly, I don't care who knows how big I am now.  Because I am changing it once and for all. I will never see these numbers again. I will be back down to a similar size. I am taking on the 2fit challenge. I call it that because of the inspiration.

Do we all remember the trainer who gained a bunch of weight in 6 months to see what it was like? Well, I kinda feel like that trainer. I was fit. Now I am fat. No, I will become fit again. He did. Why can't I?

Check it out! It's pretty cool!

Anyhow, he gained more than I did, and I felt strange when I read this. So many times, I give up on myself. So many times. I would get tired and quit.

My real issue is not motivation. My issue is time. I work a full and part time job right now, working 60+ hours a week. Over the school year, I take about 20 credits and work 20-30 hours a week. And I practice. And I'm in ensembles, and I have recitals and concerts to prepare for. And I'm applying for grad schools. But this is still psychological. The saying, "you will MAKE time for the things you want/love" is absolutely true. I can make time for it. Why haven't I? Because it's not convenient.

So, I've decided to walk an hour in the morning as a "waker upper." Then I will be working on p90x2, a very intense fitness program. I've heard many times, "it's too intense, you'll burn yourself out." But, I use to live on the edge of intensity: why stop? Because I lost convenience. P90x2 is a dvd set that I can do at home. When I get home, I would do it. Good idea, I'd say.

My overall goals: to look good, feel great.

I know I won't be able to get all the way back down to my high school weight. No one does.

My smaller goals: To be 145lbs, size 5-7 in jeans, blood pressure ~110/75 with pulse at 72.

So I must lose 30 pounds, 5 pant sizes, and cut my blood pressure down a good chunk.

Every six weeks, I will be weighing in, measuring, and updating how much my body has changed. I will be posting pictures next weigh in compared to starting.

I'm tired of being tired. I'm tired of giving myself excuses.

I will succeed.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Hobbies and habits on the move! . . . And some interests.

I'm so excited, because I feel like this is the year I'm going to pursue my hobbies for sure!

I still haven't made my bucket list, that is still in progress.

However, I have a few things I plan on pursuing besides music. And I'm excited to probably start them up here pretty soon if not in a few days!

First, I have been working out, walking every other day, doing intense cardio/muscle building the days I don't walk. To spice this up, I plan on taking a class my friend is putting on. It combines light saber combat and choreography. It is every other week, and I figure it would help him and his friend. It's in Beaverton, when it starts up! I'm excited to put some spice in my workouts.
I'll update about this when I can!

Another thing I've really taken interest in is meditation. Or prayer. Alone time. You know. Well, the older I get, the more alone time I crave. It use to be that I never wanted to be alone. Now, I require some time per day to have silence, and to be alone. Lately, I notice if it is interrupted, I'm seriously annoyed, and I feel sucked out of energy. I'm actually an introvert-extrovert. I am social and love people. However, I do not get a lot of my energy from people and I need time to myself to rejuvenate. I think ten minutes before bed every night, I plan on making alone time. That will be a nice change.

I'm pretty excited about the summer. A new job, a new thing to focus on. One online class. It will be a good time to focus on my hobbies. I plan on working a lot on eating habits. I'm applying for food stamps. I know if I have the money for healthy food, I'm more likely to buy it (obviously). My issue has been that I have little money for food and I don't plan out meals. So I generally eat cheap, nasty things. I also plan on trying to fit in about 6 bottles of water a day. It keeps skin healthy and sheds unnecessary weight that's killing me during my workouts.

I also have a strange need to write code, as well. I consider myself to be an average computer user. I know my way around a PC and Mac. I can fix appearances and clean out files. The basic user. But I want to know more. I want to be more than the average user. I just don't know where to start or spend money on a class. I do have a few computer friends! But I don't know if they want to give me the time of day, you know? We'll see.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Introductions and adventures!

I'm sure some of you have read my current blog "Changing is a Strange Thing."

That's an important blog, but I've decided to start a new one about things that are a little more light hearted and speaks through my title, "health, habits, and hobbies." This one is to be about my adventures and the other things I do besides music and things that have to do with career. Or mental states.

I personally think that it will be interesting to see how I change through this too! I have a lot of hobbies. And I still have one year left of college and I realized something---I still haven't lived it up! I'm always in a practice room or doing homework. I really need to get out and do something. Go searching about in Portland, finding as many coffee shops as I can that are completely different. Making a friend on the max. I don't know. Anything, at this point. I need to get out and be a little insane. Go to a jazz club. Go to a regular club (I've been, but only a few times). Go eat a steak at a random restaurant.

In the next post, I'm stating my "bucket list." Also a plan on when I am taking an adventure! :0