Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I can't believe this. Really, America.

Some of you who follow my blog or just know me in person, know about my medical conditions. I don't have many, but the ones I do have just seem pretty bad.
Lately, as you all know, I have cut out sugars and carbs, losing weight to become a Marine. I reached my Marine goal. I am of weight. It took eight months of grueling hard work. I cut out foods of every kinds, working out 1-3 times a day, minimum of 45 minutes. I went to PT. 41lbs lost, and 7 pant sizes down, I felt good for the first time.
Apparently, so did my body.
Most of you know that I have PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome). I've had it since I was 14. It's where the ovaries in a woman produce too many androgens (male hormones) and cysts will grow. It messes with your entire hormonal system. Many women show signs in facial hair, acne, weight gain, irregular periods and infertility. When I hit about 13/14, my weight increased exponentially, I had severe acne, and a period once every few months. I went to the doctor and was placed on pills. I was given birth control that gave me lots of estrogen. Issue over right? For the time being. My weight was lost, my acne disappeared and I had a period like clockwork.

About halfway through college, I decided to drop the pill. I was tired of taking a pill. But I gained the weight back, my acne was worse than ever and my period once again disappeared. I was the largest I had ever been.

Right around that time, I found myself wanting to go to grad school, I ignored my body. I ate. Stress killed me. I didn't have enough time to eat, so I would binge on candy and sugar. It hurt my stomach. If I was in a hurry and didn't have any time to eat, I would eat chocolate and candy, because it would hurt my stomach and I wouldn't want to eat.

Months later, I found myself at a Marine recruiting station. I wanted to be a musician. I wanted to be a Marine. The recruiter told me that I had to drop 41lbs, and I knew it was the right direction. I started to work and workout hard. I cut out sugars, starting with candies and cakes, then moving to ice cream. Then frozen yogurt.

Around May, I found out that I had Insulin Resistance Syndrome. My body cannot metabolize sugars and my pancreas just keeps secreting more and more insulin, creating a build up, eventually developing diabetes. This includes carbohydrates (as they turn into sugars).

So, I cut out carbs and sugars (except fruit).

Weight continued to drop.

So, referring back to PCOS, I had a period (it happens sometimes), and I was like, "alright, got it, won't have another for like 5 months."

Then the next month, I had another. I was shocked. So I did some research.

I found out through looking a few things up, and figuring out my conditions, that Insulin Resistance starts at childhood. And it can cause PCOS. The extra sugar in the blood can mess with hormones, and cause PCOS. What.

The reason why PCOS is rampant in America is because of our sugar intake! I'm sure that it's because of genetic things also. And other variables. But other countries that take in less sugar has considerably less issues with their hormones!

It was then, I realized: I had basically cured my own hormone disorder, by cutting out sugar.
I had no acne. I had no weight problems (due to exercise, as well, but the cuts really helped). My cycle was regular.

So, ladies. There you have it. If you don't want to take pills and you don't want to deal with repercussions of health, cut out the bad. Work to lose weight. I believe in you all! :)